What We Offer

Mea ad noster salutandi, ea efficiendi ullamcorper contentiones qui, fabellas mandamus vis te. Eu has imped.

Mea ad noster salutandi, ea efficiendi ullamcorper contentiones qui, fabellas mandamus vis te. Eu has imped.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is a laboratory procedure carried out during IVF treatment where an individual sperm is injected directly into an egg. This can help to achieve fertilisation during standard IVF treatment if there is a problem with sperm quality or quantity. Could ICSI be right for me? Your fertility specialist might recommend ISCI if you have an especially low…

Mea ad noster salutandi, ea efficiendi ullamcorper contentiones qui, fabellas mandamus vis te. Eu has imped.

Mea ad noster salutandi, ea efficiendi ullamcorper contentiones qui, fabellas mandamus vis te. Eu has imped.